The Wyoming Stable Token Commission (the “Commission” or “STC”) was established in March 2023 with the passage of Senate Enrolled Act 85: Wyoming Stable Token Act, which authorizes the Commission to issue Wyoming Stable Tokens (”WYST”).
Key amendments to the Stable Token Act were passed during the 2024 Budget Session as Senate Enrolled Act 44: Wyoming Stable Token Act - amendments.
WYST is a proposed virtual currency representative of and redeemable for one (1) United States dollar held in trust by the state of Wyoming as provided by W.S. 40‑31‑106. Stable tokens shall only be issued in exchange for United States dollars.
As allowed under the enacting legislation, the Commission includes the Governor or the Governor's designee; the Auditor or the Auditor's designee; the Treasurer or the Treasurer's designee; and four additional subject matter experts: Flavia Naves, David Pope, Jeff Wallace, and Joel Revill. Anthony Apollo was appointed Executive Director of the Commission on September 18, 2023.
We appreciate your interest, and look forward to fortifying Wyoming’s position as a leader in digital assets.